Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience's feedback?

Posted on 12:43 by The Coalition | 0 comments

Instantly from their focused initial reaction, we knew our piece had some dramatic impact on our audience. We  kept the viewer wanting more, and never lost the attention at any given point. Already this is the kind of reaction any director/ movie maker would dream of. These are two students who attend our sixth form, the female is a media student, and the male is not, we had decided to go for this variety of audience to get a more typical viewer's opinion and then an opinion of someone who is familiar with the film making process.

 I was completely relived to hear that the non-media student followed the story line, and subconsciously knew what was happening through the shots used and the editing through retelling the plot in a similar way to how we had attempted to portray it. It was clear there was a messy break up which was the trigger for the murder, this a doubt for me, because we tried to tell the story quite subtly, so there was definite scares that your average person may not pick that up straight away. Vivian's struggle to place our film in a genre at first worried me, however our aim was to create a postmodern film, which blurs concepts ideologies, and is also defined as 'the blurring of genres', her reaction to this question built a found confidence in our project.

 Back to Dominic's feedback, he had noticed the use of colour grading and the desired effect, even something as simple as the colour can signifies to the audience the exact ambiance of the story. This taught our group that our fine attention to detail doesn't go unseen, failing to spend time on this may have given us a poor reaction, also that the editing process, is without doubt one of, if not the most important stage of creating a film. One worry which we had was the music transitions, from one genre to another seemed quite daring, however we got a good response and both views seemed content with the desired effect we tried to create with such a sudden change in mood.

Yet again we believe this follows every rule of a postmodern product, which was much to our glee because in a previous project we had made a classic horror, which followed stereotypes and was quite safe however effective, and this year our aim was to create something out of the ordinary, and completely different to your classic style of film, this has proved to everyone in the group that we are capable film makers with a wide range of skills and ability to create something effective and enjoyable to watch.


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